Business Tips

5 questions to ask when you are buying a business

Thinking of acquiring a company? Whether you’re a new entrepreneur, or a seasoned business owner, we’ve got the key questions you need to ask prior to the purchase #businessadvice #SmallBusiness #acquisitions #M&A Purchasing an existing company is a great way to expand your business empire. You can buy out a close competitor, or dip a toe into a...

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Managing debt in your small business

Debt is a business risk but it is also a positive tool that is usually necessary in order to fund your growth. When debt levels grow, we can help you put a plan in place to manage it. Running a small business requires taking some risks. Debt is one of those risks, but it is also a positive...

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Getting more from your procurement spending

Now’s the perfect time to get in control of your procurement spending. We’ve got 5 key ways to improve your procurement processes, so you can ride out the current economic challenges. #businessadvice #procurement Keeping the wheels of your business turning can be expensive. As part of your ongoing business cycle, you’ll need to buy the goods and services...

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Trading while insolvent: what are the rules?

Your company is insolvent when it can’t pay the amounts it owes. If you’re struggling financially, get in touch with us sooner, rather than later, to help prevent your company from slipping into insolvency. #insolvency #accounting #businesstips Your company is insolvent when it can’t pay the amounts it owes. This can mean that the liabilities (things you owe)...

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Get in control of cashflow

It’s a well-worn phrase, but cashflow really is the lifeblood of your business. When your cash inflows are greater than your cash outflows, that puts you in a positive cashflow position – giving you the liquid cash needed to trade, improve and grow as a business.  But if costs start to outstrip your income, that can leave too...

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Quick Tips: What counts as a ‘trivial gift’?

Giving occasional gifts to your staff is a great way to keep them engaged and motivated. But how much can you give before these gifts become taxable? Certain lower-value gifts can be given to employees (including directors) tax free. These have to be classed as ‘trivial gifts’ to qualify. But what counts as ‘trivial’ in these circumstances? What...

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Holiday cashflow for your small business

Whether you’re heading into a holiday period, or just planning to take a break (and congratulations, because a healthy business means work-life balance), it’s important to keep your cashflow under control. This means pre-planning and being proactive. When you’re not in the office, there are still overheads and salaries that need to be sorted. If taking time off...

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Business sustainability in uncertain times

“Focus on becoming sustainable through a period of uncertain weakness, and building flexibility to respond quickly when your particular sustained upturn comes along.” - Tony Alexander, Economist. For business owners, it is hard to predict the marketplace swings and roundabouts at the best of times. But these are times of huge personal and professional uncertainty and the anxiety caused...

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B2B tips for working with big companies

Having a big B2B client can really boost your business, from extra credibility to enhanced cash-flow and economies of scale, but it can also strain resources and carry additional demands. Your size may actually work to your advantage in your B2B dealings. For example, being smaller means you are more likely to be responsive and nimble, or able...

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